Meeting your compliance obligations

Navigating the Fair Work Act
Award and enterprise agreement coverage
Employment policies and contracts
Workplace and professional training
Fair dismissal processes

Responding to complaints and legal claims

Investigations into employee complaints and conduct, including discrimination, bullying, harassment and sexual harassment
Tailored coaching and guidance for HR personnel and managers to build confidence in delivering difficult messages and disciplinary outcomes
Responding to unfair dismissal, discrimination and general protections (adverse action) claims

Workplace and professional training

Equal opportunity and appropriate workplace behaviour training
Fair Work Act compliance training
Tailored coaching and training for HR personnel, managers and leadership teams
Tailored employee workshops

Workplace planning and change

Cultural review and strategic advice
Tailored employee workshops
Restructure and redundancies
Business acquisition, due diligence and transfer of business

Ending the employment relationship

Risk assessment and advice prior to dismissal
Restructure and redundancies
Fair dismissal processes
Tailored coaching and support for HR personnel and managers to build confidence in decision-making and delivering termination outcomes
Responding to unfair dismissal and unlawful termination claims

Engaging employees and contractors

Employment contracts
Award and enterprise agreement coverage
Employee induction
Independent contractor engagement
Avoiding sham contracting

Responding to conduct, performance and capacity concerns

Responding to bullying, harassment and discrimination claims
Developing and reviewing performance management processes
Managing long term ill and injured employees